Running for elected office is a humbling and educational experience. A worthy candidate learns to listen to the people. I've known for a long time that I don't have all the answers, but this experience has reinforced that understanding. The voters in District 33 consistently tell me that quality education, economic security, a healthy environment and ethical representation are the cornerstones of what they consider to be good government. And I stand with the voters.
• Quality Education
After Labor Day, the school board released a proposed capital budget for county schools. Once again, that plan failed to include funds to build a 13th high school in Crofton, and failed to adequately address the ongoing $1.7 billion backlog for repairs and maintenance.
That is unacceptable. The entire Anne Arundel County legislative delegation, the county executive and the County Council should stand in solidarity to reject this budget and demand a revision. To those candidates and incumbents who use the excuse that the money is not available I say: Baloney! Find the money and courage to act. The people of Crofton have waited long enough. When we shortchange education for any community, we compromise the integrity of our educational system statewide.
• Economic Security
It's no accident that Maryland ranks at or near the top among the 50 states in such important categories as employment and income, health, education and transportation. And we need to sustain that leadership. We have traditionally invested public dollars to maintain a resilient public and private infrastructure because those are key contributors to a better quality of life for all. I stand in support of sustaining those investments as priorities for our state not merely because it's the right thing to do, it's also the most beneficial for the communities in District 33.
• Environmental Protection
Anne Arundel County has more shoreline than any other county in the nation. If someone in Pittsburgh dumps motor oil into a storm drain, that oil will likely find its way into the Chesapeake Bay through the funnel of Anne Arundel County. Protecting the environment in our county and our state is more than merely a moral obligation, it is an economic necessity because of what the bay means to our economic landscape. It provides jobs in tourism, transportation and aquaculture. The Chesapeake Bay is to Maryland what the Rockies are to Colorado and the Everglades to Florida.
When I was pastor of Heritage Baptist Church at the headwaters of Spa Creek in Annapolis, I worked with a diverse group of community leaders and led my church to build seven rain gardens retaining 97 percent of the runoff from adjacent parking lots and roadways. We worked with Anne Arundel County to secure an easement to clean up runoff from Forest Drive into Spa Creek. Local schoolchildren planted hundreds of plants and trees by the newly created stream to help with retention and stability.
• Ethics
Voters entrust us to do the public business with full accountability. My professional life has been about public service. I affirm the ethical guidance of the 4-Way Test of Rotary: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Is it beneficial to all? These questions provide a useful guide for public officials grappling with difficult decisions.
In Anne Arundel County and District 33, we have had problems with elected leaders who are ethically challenged. Ethics is more than just obeying the law; it is hewing to the highest standards of service to the community we are elected to represent.
In asking for your vote on Nov. 4, I pledge to work with every solution-oriented leader, regardless of party affiliation, to serve the best interests of the citizens of District 33 and Maryland. Together we can make a difference for good.
Green is a Democratic candidate for House District 33. Reach him at