Elect Henry Green 2014 Maryland House of Delegates District 33

Friday, August 22, 2014

D-33 State Delegate Candidate Henry Green Urges Voters: ‘Keep Eyes on the Prize’

“If you didn’t vote early, please take the time on June 24th to cast your ballot,” urged Henry Green, Democratic candidate for state delegate from District 33. “The primary election is a first step in a public conversation about what we want from our community, our state and our nation,” he said, adding: 

“Voters from both parties in District 33 tell me that their priority is construction of a high school for Crofton and a new high school for Severna Park. I intend to be their advocate in Annapolis.”

Mr. Green’s work in the community and his commitment to education, business and the environment have earned him the endorsements of the Maryland State Education Association, the Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters, Clean Water Action Maryland, the Baltimore AFL-CIO and AFSCME Maryland, as well as the personal support of hundreds of individual residents in District 33.

“Once the primary is over, I look forward to getting into the communities to talk to voters about investing in education, building the schools we need and improving the quality of life for all us here in Anne Arundel County,” Mr. Green said.

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